The vortex AICD screen is an innovative device designed to enhance oil recovery in horizontal wells by controlling unwanted early water influx. It combines a MGC screen with a sealed-off base pipe that forces inflows through the vortex AICD module, which acts as an autonomous regulator that generates different restrictions to the fluids with different WC% (Water Cut%). When flowing through the module, the oil flow encounters the least restrictions, while that of water flow could be over 10 times higher (depends on flow rate). In combination with proper zonal isolations, the vortex AICD device could effectively resist production from high WC% zones, while the oil producing zones are not affected. In this way, horizontal wells could have a longer economic life with a more balanced producing profile.
The AICD module has a flow path selector and a nozzle in the center of unit that acts as a normal ICD. The module is manufactured with high-strength tungsten-cobalt alloy, containing no moving parts or elastomers that could wear out.
The AICD module works well with fluid viscosity from 10cP to 300cP from known results, and more lab tests are being conducted to test its limits.